Dream Out Loud?
4:38 AM
Post sebelumnya gak jelas banget ya kayak spamming?
Ganeshout 2013.
I've never felt so guilty like this.
The event was done and... voila! Nothing happened. I didn't feel happy or even satisfied. I kept telling myself "If only...", "if only...", "if only..."
If only I looked for the more reliable one... nobody would wait for the lunch, we didn't have to spend so much cost on accommodation, we didn't need to pick the food up, that accident should not happen, the event was fine and everything's okay.
Yeah, but done is done. I barely can do anything. At last, what I wanna say is that you will get as much as you have given. So, maybe I haven't really done my best :| The tagline of this event is "Dream out loud!" I was dreaming that everything's fine. But it's just not enough, we've gotta work hard to make it. I should've been working harder, yeah, maybe.
Maaf banget ya, buat orang-orang yang jadi korbannya. Mau bilang makasih dan maaf yang sebesar-besarnya buat orang-orang yang udah gw bikin panik bingung pusing kesel cape; terutama buat Abe, Lauwis, Ardi, Zie, Ica, Mario, Lisa, Isal, Ajeng, Arin, Kenny, Dika, dan siapapun itu pokoknya. Semoga Ganeshout 2014 bisa lebih baik :)
Lupakan pengakuan dosa di atas. Bagaimanapun juga acara ini bisa dibilang prestasi :) Apalagi baca komentar-komentar ini di twitter:
@SyukriyaZubaidi Makasih buat kaka-kaka kece yang melaksanakan TO dengan sangat baik sering-sering yah adain TO lagi
@vemilo Buat kaka ketua panitia@Ganeshout2013 maaf ya ka bawel bgt minta konsum hehehe ._.v. TOnya seru! Tahun dpn jgn di bogor aja dong bikinnyaaa
@mandasch@Ganeshout2013 Makasih banyak kakak kakak formasi B! ;)) Dream Out Loud!
@ocktaviastuti@Ganeshout2013 min liat hasil TO nya dmn min? thanks buat hari ini acaranya cukup bermanfaat :)
Well, makasih buat Formasi-B 2012. Satu lagi hari spektakuler yang penuh drama. Mudah-mudahan banyak pelajaran yang bisa diambil untuk ke depannya. Aamiin.
Thank you so much and I love you all :*
ayo komen disini :)